Tuesday, May 31, 2011


记得小时候, 每逢榴槤季節飄香, 肯定大量品尝 (有时候可以吃下两大粒), 很过癮! 当然隔天肯定喉咙痛.

直到近几年, 每公斤榴槤價格大約4至15令吉左右, 比起十年前昂貴了很多, 才减少吃榴槤. 不过, 对榴槤的热爱有增無減.

来澳洲的前一个星期, 叫老爸去帮忙选榴槤, 肯定要吃到过癮. 我知道在澳洲肯定买不到,如果有也只不过是冷冻榴槤.

果然, 在澳洲已经四个月了, 还是没看到它的踪影. 上个月, 中國總理到马来西亚進行兩天訪問, 首相赠送了榴槤, 这又钩起了我的食欲.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

U.S. National Debt reachs $14.384 Trillion ($14,384,527,000,000)

Debt held by public      : $9.6 trillion
Intragovernmental debt : $4.6 trillion

U.S. debt to GDP ratio already exceeds 85% in 2010. Higher debt increases interest payments on the debt and may cause US currency depreciate and slow economic growth.

Who owns it? China is the Largest Foreign Owner of U.S. Treasuries, holds approximately $1.2 trillion , following by Japan, holds approximately $885 billion.

China and Japan increased their holding of U.S Bonds in order to keep their currency low relatives to US dollar, to promote export prices competitive.

China and Japan lend huge money to the U.S. However, repayment ability of U.S. is not a cause of concern. The U.S.goverment can simply print the money to repay. However, printing money extensively and keeping interest low will cause currency depreciation.

When the time U.S. goverment pay back the debt using deprciated USD to China & Japan, will casue capital loss to China & Japan.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Gold Investment in Malaysia

1. Gold Investment Account of Public Bank Berhad or Maybank
  • Investment account allows customers to purchase and sale of gold commodity (999.9 fineness) at daily prices in Ringgit Malaysia.
  • Transactions are recorded in the passbook for convenience of withdrawal & deposit.
  • Invest in gold without having to keep the gold physically.
  • Small difference between selling & buying prices.
  • Cheaper option compared to invest in gold jewellery as the jewellery shop will charge higher price due to workmanship cost.
  • Capital gain if the price of gold increases.
  • Affortable investment as initial purchase of 20 grams (20 grams X selling price on May 10,2011 at RM148.98 at PBB = RM2,979.60)
  • Transactions can be made during working days.
Gold price had been achieved 461% growth since 2001. With increasingly demands of gold commodity around the world (especially India & China), the tendency of central banks' decision to increase gold reserve, inflation pressure, unstable political & economics and terrorism issues, the gold price will certainly continue its growing trend in the future.
Most of the europe countries (Germany, Italy, France, Portugal, Greece) & United States hold more than 60% of gold as their national reserve. However, China, Japan, S.Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailad, Malaysia are the world top 20 in national reserve in curreny & gold, only holds less than 5% as gold reserve, which means the reserve in these countries are mostly made up by Fiat Currency (paper money - value declared by goverment with no intrinsic value).

Thus, appreciation of Gold will certainly increase the wealth of the western nations. 

For more information, please log on to www.maybank2u.com.my and www.publicbank.com.my

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

火星探测 - 美国国家航空航天局 || Mars Exploration Mission by NASA

第一部火星漫游车 : 勇气号


主要任务 : 搜索火星上岩石和土壤以便探测水的历史


勇气号于2003年6月10日发射, 于2004年01月04日在火星表面着陆

根據原本的設計,工作壽命只有三個月, 但是勇气号在火星表面工作到2010年3月22日才和地面失去联络

First robotic rover on Mars : Spirit rover (MER-A)

It was one of two rovers of NASA's ongoing Mars Exploration Rover Mission.

Mission: To search for and characterize a wide range of rocks and soils that hold clues to past water activity on Mars.

Spirit is a six-wheeled, solar-powered robot. Launched on 10 June 2003 & landed successfully on Mars on 04 January 2004.

Designed for about 92 earth days operation. However, Spirit rover managed to continue the mission until March 22, 2010 & since then no communication /signal from Mars to Earth.

第二部火星漫游车 : 机遇号 (代号MER-B)


原本設計的90個日子的任務時間, 不过已经完成2652地球日任务,而且任务还继续中

Second robotic rover on Mars : Opportunity rover (MER-B)

Launched on July 7, 2003 & landed on Mars on January 25, 2004 at Meridiani Planum.

Designed for approximately 92 earth days mission. However, the rover continues to function effectively more than 2,652 earth days.

Firsr colour panorama taken by opportunity

For more information on video: 5 years on Mars by National Geography Channel

For more information on website: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/

Sunday, May 1, 2011

7 tips - How to get the Best Home Loan?

1. Low interest rate isn't always Best
Nowadays, every lenders compete to claim that one interest rate is among the lowest in the country via advertisements. However, low interest rate does not means low early exit fee or flexibility of repayment. You have to understand that this is their marketing strategy to get your 1st impression on their home loan package.

2. Compare the Home loan packages
There are many different types of products on the market. Equal monthly instalment package is the most famous in the country.  For under construction property, you must stress for monthly instalment to be commence immediately instead of upon full loan disbursement. The best side for this is you can service both interest & principle amount. You have to understand that service interest portion during construction period does not reduce your principle amount until you serve your 1st instalment upon completion of your property.

If you manage a current account, you can always ask for a better package that link your housing loan to your current account whereby the credit balance in your current account will be used to reduce the housing loan balance outstanding for interest calculation, thus resulting in interest savings. If you able to maintain daily credit balance in current account equals or more than your outstanding loan principle, the full amount of monthly instalment you pay will direct to set off the outstanding principle without paying any interest portion.

3. Take advantage of bank competition
Shop around before you accept any offers. Most of  the terms & conditions and interest rate are negotiable as the banks will try their best to retain the customer.

4. Establish Savings Habits & Prudent  Spending Behaviour
Banks like to see a record of good savings of their potential loan customers. Good savings habits & spending behaviour of a customer will lead to fast approval of loan application. It is encourage to have 20% of savings from the total loan amount.

5. Mortgage Insurance | Fire Insurance | Solicitor's Fee | Down payment
Many consumers don't understand the importance of issues like insurance & solicitor's fee. Mortgage insurance & solicitor's fee can be financed by most of the banks. The amount can be substantial based on the loan amount.

Some banks are offering zero entry cost & free legal documentation, which mean that the banks will pay for the legal documentation fee between consumer & the bank.

Mortgage insurance likes MRTA is a very important feature in a housing loan product. Paymaster of the loan account or the main income contributor of the family is strongly advise to take up the insurance to minimise the risk and to protect your loves one in any unforeseen circumstances. The insurance will cover the outstanding balance of loan amount (full insurance) when the insured person death or permanent disability.

6. Read & Understand the offers
Don't sign anything you don't understand. Remember to read and understand the terms & conditions, loan structure, repayment period, loan amount & insurance policy. You are advised to consult professional credit officer rather than marketing personnel or brokers.

7. Review your account regularly
Ask for a copy the offer letter for your safekeeping. Review your loan & seek for bank's officer to arrange your loan structure for best option regularly. Banks usually willing to arrange the loan structure/interest rate to retain their good customers.